Comment on 9/11 Conspiracy Theory by Kent.

Because the American Govt had most to gain for doing it. I am in New Zealand and over here most of us can see the story has more holes in it than a sieve.
– WAtch the earliest footage that was later never shown again. Especially on the Pentagon, and a hole no more than 14ft across.
– The way the buildings collapse… demolition
– Th plane that crashed into the ground had not wreckage to speak of… find ANY OTHER plane crash in history that does not have LARGE peices everywhere
there are many obvious holes.. and no GOOD answers

But here is the really scarey part….there are MANY people in America high up in agencies that KNOW it was a set up.. but they also KNOW that if America owned up to the truth it would become bankrupt overnight. Even the GOOD guys (and girls) have to keep their mouths shut :(

ANd dont get me started on the MOON fiasco lol 30 years later and now that computers that fitted a large building can fit in a WATCH they stil cant go back to the moon. Because now EVERYONE can really see them.
– No crater under lander
– belt of radiation
– moon dust dropping STRAIGHT down quickly to floor lol it goes on
