Comment on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Could Terrorists Hi-Jack a Plane? by Tony Jones.

I have stumbled on this site by accident and have read it out of interest….

I think those of you who believe in the conspiracy theories are crazy.

True the US government may like to control the flow information given out during its investigation but that is no different to say a police murder investigation, you wouldnt see the police revealing their cards straight away.

The two towers were indead made out of steel and concrete. steel has a meling point of about 1300 degrees. the concrete provides a degree of fire protection to the steel to stop it from melting. during an intense fire such as the thousands of gallons of aviation fuel burning will and did cause the steel to soften enough to buckle. as soon as the steel did buckle the weight of the floors above (thousands of tons) was all that is needed to collapse the lot.

Hyjacking a plane used to be easy, just walk straight into the cockpit. noone else on the plane would necisarily have known it had been taken over.

Also i think far too many people think it was used as a reason to invade iraq. IRAQ is a completely different conflict. Afganistan is where the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are hiding.