Comment on 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: Stand Down Order by mike.

i might not have the proof, but i these are the things that i present(which i have read with solid proofs, jsut research it yourselves

1. bill cooper was assasinated for proclaiming their agenda of the 9/11

2. The 9/11 videos(youtube it) made clear VERY clear evidences of bomb explosions at its sides when you look at the video. making clear that there was detonation floor by floor (youtube it)

3. aaron russo 9/11 (youtube this) had a friend, his name was william(?)rockefeller and he told about 9/11 to aaron 11 months before it actually happened.

3. There was another man(forgot his name) who was assasinated because he was able to witness the explosions inside the building before the building themselves collaps.

4. The structure had an anomalous velocity (just look at the video) that had a normal velocity of gravity. Take not that the strucutre is made of steel and it fell down with the free speed of gravity (or a falling man) which can be connected with the fact that it had bombs with it. Normally, a strong structure like this could have fallen at a lesser velocity, but no, it fell down like crumpled paper speed. So a set up inside could have only been the answer.

5. US has done their primary objective, again as what aaron russo with W. rockefeller said (you tube), they were able to take over iraq, and its oil

6. I cant prove this but, the day before 9/11 US defence lost a budget of 5.2? Trillion (forgot the real amount) dollars?

7. The Bible says there is going to be a new world governement, and we are really headed there, this is just one of the triggering events.

8. Many poeple will be brainwashed to not meant to be believing such stupid excuses as i am explaining, which is exactly what they want.

9. youtube edward griffin. he is a more detailed explainer of stuff, and read the bible.