Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence by Alex.

Apollo 15,16,17 Lift off: Lack of blowing dust and lack of flame. NASA believers claim that there should not have been a flame, dust etc…
For the Apollo lunar ascent and descent module single main engine and sixteen attitude control thrusters, the fuel and oxidizer were, respectively, hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. The space shuttle orbiter also used hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide in its Orbital Maneuvering Subsystem and Reaction Control System. Some of us are old enough to remember that the flame was visible on some NASA videos during the 1970s and 1980s (ask some older people). These videos however were rear cause NASA needed a camera from outside to show the flame.
U can see the flame on the image:
The same fuel was used by the LEM, therefore the flame should have been visible during lift offs. Notice that the exhaust DOES NOT dissipate immediately, unlike NASA believers claim. Therefore the exhaust should have created a crater under the landed LEM.
NASA believers call us (skeptics) Conspiracy Theorists to associate us with many others who do not believe in just about anything that the main stream believes. This is a game of semantics they play and we have every right to point that out.

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Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence

When you watch the videos of the lift-offs one thing is clear: “This is not an acceptable evidence of Lunar landing.”. Why? The quality is so poor that anybody could have created these videos on Earth. No proof, not even …

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence

Yes jfb (above) I looked at (Falcon 9) and also on Youtube:
This is not very good evidence because the most important video is animation. However, they show flame even from a large distance. The NASA videos show no …

More Comments by Alex

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – More Photographic Proof

NASA image: AS17-141-21608HR from:
(Who took the picture? The person -stage worker- in the helmet’s reflection does not have a camera on his chest and a life support system on his back, and he is not facing in the right direction …

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – More Photographic Proof

My best answer to rrc’s question (above):

NASA image: AS17-141-21608HR from:

The magnified helmet of AS17-141-21608HR

Who took the picture? The person (stage worker) in the helmet’s reflection does not have a camera and he is not facing in the right direction. After …

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence

When you watch the videos of the lift-offs one thing is clear: “This is not an acceptable evidence of Lunar landing.”. Why? The quality is so poor that anybody could have created these videos on Earth. No proof, not even …

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence

Yes jfb (above) I looked at (Falcon 9) and also on Youtube:
This is not very good evidence because the most important video is animation. However, they show flame even from a large distance. The NASA videos show no …

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Photographic Evidence

I find that the people who do not believe the NASA story are generally better educated, but it is more important that they are INDEPENDENT thinkers.
Many of the Apollo Moon photos have the stars in them if you lighten up …