Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence by Jason.

Terry said: “….It’s no mystery, then, that Neil Armstrong’s first step on the Moon was recorded by something similar to a security camera attached to the lunar lander.Don’t you guys ever think things through all the way?….”

Well let me see there Terry, They thought of cameras everywhere, on their suits, on the lander, hell a ‘security camera” as you say attached to the lander or even a mount a few meters from the lander to take all these crystal clear pristine shots, which by the way were by cameras with no viewfinders, no light meteres, everything perfectly allighned and pristine YET THEY HAD NO DIRECT LINK TO SHOW ANY OF THESE WONDERFUL SHOTS FROM ALL THESE CAMERAS, BUT INSTEAD FILMED A TELEVISION TO SHOW ALL OF US???. Stop smoking the crack pipe Terry, its destroying your ability to reason!!!.