Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Cody.

Although alot of the points put out throughout this page seem very valid I still believe America went to the moon. First off how could these 12 men to set foot on the lunar surface put up an act for all these years? These men were military test pilots, among the most brilliant engineers and pilots the world has seen. How many books have these guys written since the Apollo program, quite a few if you check it out. These guys went to the moon, some even cried on the lunar surface to see the awesome sight of our earth that we live on…The proof is out there, we have rockets going to Mars in todays society but oh let me guess no one believes we really have these rockets they are just simulations right? The amount of scientific data is enough, forget the pictures forget all of that… I think one fact can dismiss this hoax… On the lunar surface left behind by the astronauts is a reflector that scientists use to measure the distance from earth the moon is… They beam this laser of sorts to the moon and it bounces back…if we never landed on the moon how can that be… how can we have such accurate maps of the lunar surface that tells where the astronauts landed…how can we still be transmitting information over hundreds of thousands of miles between the moon and not have been there…