There are so many government conspiracies involving the CIA it’s hard to list them all. From 911 to the JFK assassination someone somewhere believes the CIA was/is involved!
Please post your comments and thoughts regarding CIA Conspiracy Theories.
There are so many government conspiracies involving the CIA it’s hard to list them all. From 911 to the JFK assassination someone somewhere believes the CIA was/is involved!
Please post your comments and thoughts regarding CIA Conspiracy Theories.
The government organization ( C I A ) has alot more to it,than what meets the eye. Its like, why do government figures who supposibly “leak information” always end up going missing ,getting assasinated, or ending up dead ? obviously there are some things we( as the people of america ) aren’t supposed to know or ” find out “. My personal opionion is, that the life style we have and the economy we have is just an experiment. If the government has the ability to create money, than why is america in debt ? why are banks going corrupt ? because they want this to happen. Think about it. drug dealers and bank robber ALWAYS get caught, either sooner, or years down the road. why ? because the government has set up a trap. every dollar bill has a different code on each one. thats why people cannot commit fraud. it amazes me how stupid people are. Look at the facts. but yeahh, this is my personal opinion. so dont get all technical with me ,if you dont agree with what u have saidd. well byee
mixed theories
with what I*
To be blunt, your post makes me lose faith in society. Before you go off getting upset about the government, please do background checks and make sure your statements are accurate. It is not the government who is holding off on creating new currency. If we circulated billions of new bills into our economy, it would not help our country but hinder it even more. Our paper money is backed by the gold standard, meaning that somewhere around $11,880 is what will buy you one pound of gold. This is an extreme amount! A single person in one year on average would not even be able to buy half of a brick of gold, which weighs 27 pounds approximately. Understand, there is not a whole lot of gold to begin with, which is why inflation has partly occurred. There is not enough to gold to back every single dollar bill in circulation already, and by adding more paper currency without the support of more gold would hinder the economy. Please, don’t be pompous and arrogant, research first before making blunt, idiotic comment.