The Common Purpose Conspiracy Theory is similar to the New World Order Conspiracy Theories where a group of people are supposedly trying to manipulate politics etc… behind the scenes.
Some things blamed on Common Purpose in Britain include:
Damaging the NHS
Destroying the Middle Class
Government Debt
High Immigration to Replace Christianity with Islam
High Population
High Unemployment
Political Correctness
Society Problems
Trade Deficit
Please post your comments and thoughts regarding Common Purpose Conspiracy Theories.
My Childs. History is nothing but a chronicle of events that were once considered “conspiracy theories” until they became bloodied conspiracy facts. This phobia about conspiracy theory in general has been spawned by Satan to prevent all and every scrutiny into his machinations. Whatever happened to commoner garden old SUSPICION? Doesn’t have that ole jingle-jangle “conspiracy theory’ bell ring to it. We suspect Common Purpose is up to no good because Common Sense tells us that where there is money involved there is invariably skullduggery. As flies to shit are Satan’s little helpers to the smell of money. Thank God for conspiracy theorists, be they right or wrong, or we could all end up like hounded and massacred Jews of the last world world. Had they not been “paranoid” or suffering from “conspiracy theory” they would have been okay. Right? Over to you Satan.
Conspiracy Theory
the oldest conspiracy is that Satan is actually a being. in fact, it the name is derived from the Greek ‘thetan’ and means ‘thinker’ but that doesn’t matter when you’ve got a whole religion believing in some character that can be blamed for all the world’s ills instead of looking in the mirror and recognize their own evil heart… one that professes love but acts out in violence toward others who don’t ‘believe.’ that, in my humble opinion, is the epitome of cognitive dissonance.
This has nothing to do with Common Purpose, but I cannot abide people giving false information. Satan is a real living character in Judaism and Christianity. The name Satan has nothing to do with Greek, it appears in one of the oldest books in the Old Testament, Job, in Hebrew, and means “opposer”. In Greek it is ‘Satanas’. And neither does ‘thetan’ mean ‘thinker’ in Greek.