ID Card: A small credit card sized piece of plastic that could change the way we prove who we are in the UK. Are ID Cards here to protect or infringe our freedoms? investigates identity cards.

In the year 2003 David Blunket proposed a parliamentary bill to introduce ID Cards into Britain. This was pushed aside, until following a poll which said that 80% of people supported ID Cards (more on this later).

When first brought to mind, ID Cards are connected to the Nazi police that Hitler controled. Without ID papers (as they were called then) and the J-stamp, the Jewish genocide would have been harder to enforce.

And still today the power of ID Cards is abused. ID Cards are used in places like Argentina and Afghanistan (pre-conflict) to bully, help racial abuse and even force people to join the army.

But the chance of this happening in Britain or any European country, is a snow balls chance in hell. We live in a democratic society so it would be nearly impossible for a government to get in power from a general election with these kind of ideas.

But there is another worry. With the advance of technology, soon your life story will be able to be put in a chip the size of a finger nail.

We are assured as it says on the official government website.

“Critics of the national ID Cards scheme who suggest that it would threaten our privacy should be reassured that under the proposed scheme only very basic personal details such as name, address, date and place of birth will be held. Alongside this will be ‘biometric’ information such as the imprint of a finger or scan of an iris, which establish unique personal identity. The extent of the information held will be strictly limited and subject to tight controls. Only Parliament will be able to extend or change what information is held by the scheme”

Which sounds great saying that things stay this way. But will this personal information be availible to everyone?

Again we are reassured, the governments main website says.

“The National Identity Register will hold only the information that is needed to demonstrate identity and it certainly will not hold information such as medical or tax records. Accredited organizations such as banks will be able to check identity against the database, but will not be able to access the information held there.”

There is trouble brewing in paradise as the ID card bill as a little future catch. The amount of information stored on a card can be enlarged, saying that this is necessary for the ID Cards to do there job, which, if the reasons that the government give for introducing ID Cards is correct, then a increase in information is needed.

And it is impossible for the holder of the card too know if their information has been changed. Something which is at the moment illegal.

Even though the government says they will not use the ID Cards for racial abuse, individuals will, especially individuals within government controlled agencies like the police (we are all human after all!!). (This has been proven in the past). Although the police and other official people will not be allowed to ask for your ID Card or even look at your details, the government says that…

“there is a strong argument to help the police force”

So in the future police may use ID Cards to abuse our freedoms, like many people will abuse any power they have, will this drive us to buying Fake ID Cards?

If things stay generally as promised by the government today, ID Cards will be like a hi-tech driving license. Unfortunately there is a record with government abusing ID Cards, mostly in asian and caribbean countries.

BUT all of these country have almost no common law, and any European country that have introduced ID Cards have not abused the power (not including before 1950s).

However none of these countries have proposed identity cards as extensive as we have.

So the ground of the future is a bit iffy, but if it protects us then giving up a small bit of privacy isn’t that bad, right? If it stops Britain being attacked by terrorists then its fine, but it does no such thing.

The government reason for ID Cards are:

A: Prevent illegal immigration: Lack of a card allows illegal immigrants to arrive and disappear.

B: Prevent illegal working: They give employers a secure way of knowing if people are actually allowed to work. It’ll be easier to prosecute employers who break the law.

C: Aid anti-terrorism measures: It’ll be harder for terrorists and organized crime rings to use false and multiple identities.

D: Tackle identity theft: They’ll help protect against identity theft.

E: Reduce benefit fraud and abuse of public services: They will ensure that public services are only used by those entitled.

F: Enhance sense of community: ID Cards will create a sense of shared citizenship and belonging.

However all of these reasons are false and/or do not warrant a reason to spend several billion on ID Cards.

A: Preventing illegal immigration: Any immigrants already in the country will not have an ID Card so will not be counted and not able to be caught using ID Cards. Also it estimated that 80% of the population will sign up to ID Cards, even if this high number is true, with a population of 6,000,000, 120,000, people will not have an id card and sifting through all of those people would be impossible.

B: prevent illegal working: With just the name and address on the card why would this help the problem. Also even if it did, many employes know quiet well that there workers are not trained for the job and keep quiet.

C: Anti-terrorism: This is the governments main argument and is one of the most pathetic. All a terrorist as to say when entering the country is that he’s a tourist staying for less then three months and theres no way that they can stop him/her using ID Cards, due to he won’t have one. Also in russia you can buy an id card for $5, about £2.80 – £3.00. Now even though the fake ID Cards in Britain will cost a lot more, terrorists have million of pounds to spend towards this kind of law breaking.

D: Tackle identity theft: Possible, this is the only reason that might work. But with the billions of pounds that going to be spent on this project, this reason is not enough alone. Also this problem could be solved at a much lower cost by just tightening the security around vital details such as birth certificates.

E: Reduce benefit fraud and abuse of public services: About 100 million a year is spent on these problems. Compared to the several billion that is going to be used for the ID Cards. And most benefits fraud is caused by people saying that there disabled or single not identity fraud.

F: Enhance sense of community: OH COME ON!!!

So if there is no real reason for ID Cards to be introduced given by the government, why bother with ID Cards at all!

Also the government seem pretty keen to enforce ID Cards, even though there is no reason that they give us that works.


The government has been using a poll carried out not long before the government got keen on ID Cards to justify ID Cards at every corner. This poll showed that 80% of us supported ID Cards. But sadly this poll is flawed. At first this poll seemed like a good thing, it was carried out by an individual company, there was no insensitive and these people had not been talked to before. But then i saw the amount of pollers, only 1000 people were questioned. Does this mean that because around 800 people said yes to ID Cards, the other 60 million will agree.

Also out of this 1000 80% barely knew anything.

Also if you look at the representative numbers on the poll.

People who know about ID Cards 27%
People who disagree 20%
People who have got very little knowledge 73%
People who favour ID Cards 80%

This suggests that people who are oblivious to the facts (73%) agree with ID Cards (80%). Which also suggests, that the government is working on people not knowing the facts.

CONCLUSION In my view it all depends on the future. If ID Cards are used as advertised then we have nothing to worry about, as ID Cards will be like an advanced driving license. But there is room for change, and we may soon be living in a world dominated by ID Cards. Even though no common law country has ever abused its power, no common law country have previously suggested an identity card system as wide spread as the proposed British system.

Conspiracy status: Possible government conspiracy to gain greater control over the information it holds about us in the long term future.

Foot note: This article is just the tip of the iceberg, much more information is out there. Please don’t just believe my word, check this issue yourself. Also anybody wanting to use my website to weight there argument please don’t represent me as a conspiracy believer or debunker. Also nobody may copy this article and put it online.