Comment on Illuminati Conspiracy Theories by Rich Wills.

You can call yourself a martian, but your claim is just words until you present physical evidence. That is repeatedly verified by other people.

When your claim is so fantastic, like the existence of a supernatural creator-deity, it has to test correctly every time. Even a single failure in proof totally discredits your claim.

You could shave away your head & body hair, paint yourself silver and glue an TV antenna to your head. That will not make you a martian.

You could emigrate to Mars and have descendents. Who, for a thousand generations, shave off all their hair, paint themselves silver and glue TV antennas to their heads. And they still will not be martians.

Fantastic claims need fantastic evidence. Occam’s Razor easily cuts deep!

More Comments on Illuminati Conspiracy Theories by Rich Wills

Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

But the ones with ‘knowledge’ would be too busy doing the actual ruling to waste a minute of their precious time on any of this drivel we are posting. …

Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

I had this argument with the John Bircher’s back in the seventies.
That Rockefeller/Rothschild controlled Council on Foreign Relations and
similar groups were part of an international conspiracy to take over America
with a super-secret Masonic-Illuminati-Zionist-Marxist agenda.

Sorry, it’s hard to …

Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

The advantage of taking waayyy too much acid, is that you will never again
have to pay for overpriced movies tickets or eat stale popcorn.

those grooovvvyy images will be forever bouncing around in the empty spaces
of our heads!!! …


I thought the drunks I had to listen to at my bar were crazy from the alcohol damage to their brains and livers.

But these conspiracy sites have revealed a whole new level down to the shallow end …

More Comments by Rich Wills

Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

But the ones with ‘knowledge’ would be too busy doing the actual ruling to waste a minute of their precious time on any of this drivel we are posting. …

Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

I had this argument with the John Bircher’s back in the seventies.
That Rockefeller/Rothschild controlled Council on Foreign Relations and
similar groups were part of an international conspiracy to take over America
with a super-secret Masonic-Illuminati-Zionist-Marxist agenda.

Sorry, it’s hard to …

Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

The advantage of taking waayyy too much acid, is that you will never again
have to pay for overpriced movies tickets or eat stale popcorn.

those grooovvvyy images will be forever bouncing around in the empty spaces
of our heads!!! …


I thought the drunks I had to listen to at my bar were crazy from the alcohol damage to their brains and livers.

But these conspiracy sites have revealed a whole new level down to the shallow end …