Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by R. Webster.

Everybody comments about Lee H. Oswald, Jack Ruby, a “secret” organization of power brokers, etc. Nobody mentions the obvious. The CIA was (heavily) involved in South-East Asia (Viet Nam) from the French defeat in 1957 to the end of the war in 1975. Three months before he was killed President Kennedy had decided to withdraw ALL U.S. personnel from Nam (including the CIA) and end our involvement in S/E Asia by the end of the year(1963). Less than 30 days after his death, Ex-VP (now President) Johnson ordered full scale bombing of N. Viet Nam and began sending Division size (regular and reserve) Army and Marine units into Nam. Go to the library and get the book “CIA Involvement in S/E Asia, 1957-1975.” It will open your eyes to a lot of things, including the idea for water boarding! Next thought: Castro and his boys were [helped] into control of Cuba by (our) CIA. The Khmer-Rouge in Cambodia got into power through the efforts of (our) CIA. The Shah of Iran got into power with help from (our) CIA. Saddam Hussien gained control of Iraq (after the religious fanatics overthrew the Shah in Iran) during the Carter administration (thanks to help from (yep) the CIA). The Contra rebels got Nicaragua (sic) and San Salvador with help from the CIA and our Army Special-Ops people. The Talaban gained control of Afghanistan during the Russian invasion (thanks to our CIA). Does anyone see a patteren here? Everyone of those countries turned Socialist or Muslim and against the US (after) we stuck our nose into their affairs and tried to force (our) form of Democracy down their throats. Democracy has to be desired from within, it can not be given to those who aren’t willing to die for it! And just what do you think will happen after we get through screwing things up in Iraq? PS: I am not anti-military or anti-war, I served proudly in the Army for over 20 years. I went to Nam (in the early years) and did my duty with enthusiasm because like everyone else I believed we were helping curb the Communist expansion.