Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Jeffery A Baryo.

The comments by Charles Kennedy above are in my opinion pretty accurate. The foundation for the assassination are solid. We’ll never know some of the details. My point is this: some of the above comments make light of this topic probably because they were to young to know better or because they just don’t care. That single act changed everything! From that point in time we as a free and peaceful society were doomed! And people think that’s funny? The United States & the world for that matter, is finished. This so called recession we’re in is just the beginning of our demise. I agree with Charles when it comes down to Obama..will he conform or go against the system. You have seen what happens to people who go against the system. And because of the people who don’t care and who think it’s funny, the system is to powerful to take on thus leading us to our demise. I don’t think that is funny!