Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by C.W.G. Harmon.

To any intelligent, educated , truth-seeking individual, who has bothered to really look into the case, there is only the truth. I have studied this case for over 30 years and the obvious conclusion is that powerful elements within the CIA(Dulles,Helms,Phillips,Cord Meyer,etc.), funded by texas big oil and the rest of the controllers of the war industry, commited the crime. The mafia always works with the intelligence community everyone knowledgable on this subject know this. LBJ was their man, he gave them Vietnam which meant billions of dollars a year for this military-industrial complex. You’d have to be either a moron or a far-rightwing liar to denie this. The case needs to be opened and for the first time our DOJ needs to truthfully investigate this, they need not to concern themselves with all the evidence of their own duplicity, that is no longer relevent. Here are some names people should look into; George Johinides, Tracey Barnes, William Harvey, David Sanchez Morales……….(to be cont’d.)