Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by McNugget.

I believe it to be true.
You guys should listen to Immortal Technique. The Third World(Album) and Open your eyes(song name)
He’s unsigned, has been offered record deals by major record labels but refuses because of his political views. It’s hip-hop, which some of you may not like but the lyrics are what captured me.
Here’s a verse from this song which has a lot in common with this subject..

“They’ll stop at nothing to get what they want. They paint the third world underground as savage and backward, but the superpowers are no less corrupt, they’ve just learned to disguise it better. Because they fix elections too; they embezzle tax money; they go to war for resources; they fund terrorism for their own benefit; and when there’s enough at stake, history’s taught us that they’ll even assassinate their own presidents!”