Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by loveclose.

From time to time, I come back to the JFK assination and study loads and loads of threads that offer all sorts of theories. It’s a subject that has held my fascination and desire to know the truth even though the event itself happene when I was only a few months old.

I’ve never believed the lone-nut theory, have always felt that there are far too many contradictins and too many unanswered questions for the lone assassin theory to hold water.

What I believe in passionately is that a president in 1963 was brutally murdered, and that in fact a coup d’etat occured. It is essential that the truth be found out – if it could happen in 1963 to JFK, then it’s a certainty that it could happen again to any president that refuses to go with the flow, so to speak.

Some folk here say why bother?? The truth about the events of Nov 1963 clearly have had to be covered up for a considerable number of years, no doubt because of the exposure and scandal that would ensue if the truth ever was disovered. Time is ripe now as has already been suggested for a total unbiased investigation that is given time to produce unquestionable evidence as to how this coup d’etat was carried out, by whom and why.

Otherwise, it can happen again.

I’ve enjoyed reading comments on this forum – very few over-reactive comments and a genuine desire to know, not misinform.