Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Ray.

Oswald didn’t shoot anyone,period. First of all, LHO didn’t have the right weapon to pull something like that. The other thing is, he was framed. No bullet went through JFK and caused 7 wounds to him and J.Connally. The first shot that struck JFK was a frontal shot. No bullet entered his back and tranversed his body and exited from his throat. The people that killed Kennedy used high quality weapons which the alleged Osawld weapon was not. I know they proved in a physics lab and computer graphics that the “magic bullet” theory was probable. That’s what they do in a physics labs though, prove the improbable. Strange that all the tests were done in physics labs and computers to show that Kennedy could have been shot and killed from the TSBD but no tests have been conducted to show that the shots could have come from the right and front of Kennedy. Oswald was framed and lied on.