Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Douglas M.

The Kennedy assassination is an example of a murder case with an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence supporting conspiracies before and after the assassination, but without the smoking gun JFK researchers and many other people desire. I believe it is no longer very useful to try to determine which person(s) pulled the trigger(s). He or they are long dead by now and the real paper trails they left behind were probably sanitized from US Government files within days of the assassination and replaced with fakes to confuse future researchers. That is how black operators cover up their dirty doings.

Certainly Oswald was killed because he knew far too much about the people who actually pulled the triggers and planned the killing. We now know Oswald had a payroll number with the FBI, #179. So it is appears likely that Oswald was a CIA mole, just as he was in the Soviet Union. Why else would he have received intelligence training with the DIA? I believe he was trying to discover details about the assassination before it happened, and was double crossed by David Atlee Phillips, Sturgis and other CIA black operators. Oswald may well have been the source of the message to all FBI offices a few days prior to Nov. 22nd, predicting the assassination in Dallas.

Far more important are the answers to these key questions:

Who benefited, financially, politically or institutionally?
Answer: The military/industrial complex and the international bankers that underwrite their massive military contracts; CIA and their black operators; big oilmen in Texas (Murchison, Hunt, G H W Bush etal, over the change to the oil depletion allowance); Corrupt Dallas Cops; LBJ; Ed Clark.

Who committed the crime and the pre-assassination conspiracy?
Answer: Jack Rubenstein, Anti Castro Cubans supported covertly by US Black Operators from CIA (David Phillips; David Morales, Cord Meyer Jr., Johnny Roselli, James Files aka Sutton, Chuck Nicoletti, Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, Luis Posada; and US mobsters with a history of working covertly with the CIA, like Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, and Santos Trafficante.

Who covered it up, post-assassination and was in a position to both stave off local investigations in Texas and control the Warren Commission Hearings? Answer: Dallas cops; Secret Service; LBJ; Hoover; Alan Dullus, Jerry Ford,Arlen Specter, Earl Warren; official FBI; official CIA and CIA counterintel; DIA; US mass media—network TV, radio, newspapers, publishing houses.

(Regarding the US media, I would urge readers to research the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. A number of well-known newspaper columnists in major eastern newspapers in America were used to disseminate disinformation to the American public.)

Who made all the witnesses (Oswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Lee Bowers, Dorothy Kilgallen, Rose Cherami, Johnny Roselli, etal) disappear?
Answer: Anti Castro Cubans, covertly supported by CIA black operators; the Mob; LBJ, through henchmen like Mac Wallace and Ed Clark.

One final thought. All of the government agencies who looked bad, especially the CIA, DIA, FBI and State Department had plenty of time to sanitize their files in the days and weeks prior to the start of the Warren Commission hearings and replace them with phoney information to confuse future investigations.

In my opinion the ultimate irony about the Kennedy assassination is that the cover up was probably as much to protect the identities of covert intelligence assets such as David Atlee Philips, William Harvey, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt and the rest of the black ops organization, rather than to cover up the assassination itself.

What do you think? Do you even care about this anymore?

Doug M
Surrey, BC Canada