Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by brina.

the Kennedy assassination is most defiantly an conspiracy. Oswald never shot Kennedy it has been proven by the best snipers in the world. none of them can create the same shot that hit Kennedy. i once read a very good book, and it gave me info i couldn’t believe. it told me that when Johnson was vice president he couldn’t stand the fact that Kennedy was good friends with martin Luther king Jr. they was planning on making a difference in the world. in this book i read it also told me that Johnson had hired the 3 guys to kill Kennedy at a curtain time of day. at the exact time Kennedy was shot and killed Johnson was in a plane on his way to the white house to be sworn in as president. talk about a dirty pres. and all the evidence of the killing was destroyed, the case was closed at Johnson demand, and the case was to never be talked about again.

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