Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Zapruder?.

Anyone see the Zapruder film? The back of JFK’s head explodes as he is knocked backwards by the final shot. So he was shot from the front, don’t have to be a forensic specialist to realize that. Furthermore, three shots and two head shots from over 200 yards back, 61 feet up, out of a window, in less than 2 seconds? Really? Accounting for recoil, he would have had to realign his shots from that distance, not enough time for all that. The Warren Report states that one bullet was used, that was later discounted as incorrect (1968 I believe).
You have to be the one person in America still dense enough to blame it all on ole’ Oswald. Why do you think in all the videos of Oswald after arrest and before his death show hm with inceasingly more bruises, the 5-0 in your beloved Dallas beat the hell out of him for two days and he still wouldn’t confess, (or wouldn’t confess to what they wanted him to) so he was killed.