Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Dereck.

Why do conspiracy theorists always have to twist facts and say unsubstanitated things to get a point across. One theorist, Robert Groden is still peddling his fiction in Dallas. I, for curiousities sake purchase both a DVD and a magazine. What I find funny is that both offer proof against his own theory. Both show diffenent frames of the fatal head shot. Zapruder 313 clearly shows a halo of brain matter and blood in the front of Kennedy’s face. At this time it completely blocks the face of Mrs. Kennedy. In this same still, one can also see a steam of brain matter and blood shoot up in the air above and angled in front of Kennedy. If he was shot in the front this simply wouldn’t have been the case. Both Connallys even say in an interview that they were covered in brain matter. This halo of brain matter and blood, the stream of brain matter and blood above and in front of Kennedy as well as the testimony of the Connallys show Kennedy was shot from the rear and the forementioned results were from an exit wound. I am really surprised that I haven’t ever seen this explanation. It seems pretty obvious to me. And for those who who say that Kennedy throat wound was caused from a shot from the front, then where did it exit? Why wasn’t anyone trailing him (either in other cars or motorcyles hit? And for all those who say he was shot in front from the grassy knoll must have never visited Dealy Plaza. The picket fence is only around 20 feet to the right (facing outward) from where Zapruder was standing. If this was the case then the bullet that struck Kennedy (if it was shot from here) would have had to exited out the other side of his head. But I have yet to hear anyone say anything about him missing any part of the left side of his head.

More Comments on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Dereck

Response to Pio

First, have you ever thrown an object in a car while you were moving. It come right back to your hand because your hand is moving at the same speed as the car in which you are driving. But in …

JFK and Connally hit by different shots

Here is the problem with your conspiracy argument. If you are saying they didn’t line up for their wounds to be caused by one shot, then were was the shooter that shot Connally shooting from? He couldn’t have been an …

John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories

Here’s one for you. I once watched a video of a basketball player not sure if it was high school or college go after a ball that was heading out of bounds. In one swift movement he jumped in the …

to #5

The gun was marked by the officers. The shells were then compared to the test fire cartridge from Oswald revolver taken from him at his arrest. Under oath, Cortlandt Cunningham testified that the four cartridges found were indeed fired from …

Look at the picture!

Please tell me that in the still photo in the thumbnail of your video that you can see the halo of blood and brain matter. Where is it in relationship to Kennedy’s head, in front or behind. Please say that …

More Comments by Dereck

Response to Pio

First, have you ever thrown an object in a car while you were moving. It come right back to your hand because your hand is moving at the same speed as the car in which you are driving. But in …

JFK and Connally hit by different shots

Here is the problem with your conspiracy argument. If you are saying they didn’t line up for their wounds to be caused by one shot, then were was the shooter that shot Connally shooting from? He couldn’t have been an …

John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories

Here’s one for you. I once watched a video of a basketball player not sure if it was high school or college go after a ball that was heading out of bounds. In one swift movement he jumped in the …

to #5

The gun was marked by the officers. The shells were then compared to the test fire cartridge from Oswald revolver taken from him at his arrest. Under oath, Cortlandt Cunningham testified that the four cartridges found were indeed fired from …

Look at the picture!

Please tell me that in the still photo in the thumbnail of your video that you can see the halo of blood and brain matter. Where is it in relationship to Kennedy’s head, in front or behind. Please say that …