Comment on John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories by Leroy Blevins Sr.

A Question
Who filmed the Zapruder film?

The reason for this question is that when I gone over the Bronson photo I did not found Mr. Zapruder doing any filming or even seen Mr.Zapruder. However I did see Miss Sitzman with a camera in the location where Zapruder was filming and found she was the one that did the filming and not Mr.Zapruder.
Here is a video from my company that shows the location I found in the Bronson photo and it show only Miss Sitzman doing filming in this location and Mr.Zapruder is not found. This is one more thing I can show and prove. As it was told after Mr.Zapruder sold his film he gave the money to Miss Sitzman and the reason he gave her all the money off of his film is she was the one that did the filming and not Mr.Zapruder.

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