Even though when investigating a conspiracy theory you should look with an open mind at both sides of the story, there are exceptions to this […]
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Even though when investigating a conspiracy theory you should look with an open mind at both sides of the story, there are exceptions to this […]
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hitler was born a jew, but in a circumcision error his left testicle was accidentally cut off. this enraged him during puberty when his class-mates made fun of him. in his late teens he vowed revenge and denounced himself from the jewish faith. for the next few years he worked as an adult movie fluffer in countless films and appeared in one “blowing the pipes of peace” as plumber guy no 2. he quickly moved in to production and gained hugh hefner like status. it was when he moved into gay porn things changed, his bunnies were replaced by the s.s. (sexy studs) which by a combo of rigorous work-outs and high carb energy drinks became elite soldiers. his army grew many fold as the demand for gay porn at the time was so high. by the mid thirties hitler had control of over 70% of all german males and took control of the country via a huge dance-off. on one of his appletini drink benders he had the idea of watching his s.s. get oiled up and dance for him. after a admin typo hitler and his men were driven to poland the country instead of pole land in munich. the supply of gay porn to england and france came to a halt making the residents furious, and the leaders begged him to return to germany and continue making gay porn. but hitler refused this as the polish people welcomed him and his men in to the country. gay porn was huge in poland, and hitler finally got the recognition he craved. many poles were recruited and taken to special camp events were they could concentrate on the huge orgies about to take place. but in a rare moment of sobriety hitler recollected his missing ball and gave the order for his men include the practice of erotic asphyxiation, which led to the death of many jews. i have to go now as my long awaited david carradine solo work-out dvd is here i will continue at a later date, damned child friendly bags.
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Planet Nibiru, known as Planet X by the scientific community passed between Mars and Jupiter more than 4000 years ago on its epilliptic orbit. It collided with a planet that was between Mars and Jupiter. The planet that got smashed and the remnants of Nibiru formed the asteroid belt, and the remains of the planet between Mars and Jupiter was left with a giant gaping hole and thrown out of orbit where it later rejoined the orbit, but in front of Mars. Hence, the planet that got smacked by Nibiru…. is Earth. Think about it, if you were to take all the water out the pacific ocean… what would you be left with?
You forgot to put in Elders of Zion and crazy Anti-Semitist conspiracy theorists blaming the Jews for everything.
You also forgot Paul is Dead!
Urban Myth on Smoking and Cancer –
Ask yourself why the United Stated Government has spent more than $10B dollars subsidizing Tobacco since 1964 when in that year the surgeon general released the report on Smoking and Health. Why would the government continue to support an industry that is killing off its people, costing millions per year in healthcare costs, and is mired in class actions lawsuits regarding their culpability in people’s own decision making process? Here is the ugly truth. It’s called hush money.
In late 1950’s and early 1960’s at the height of the cold war, both Russian and US scientists working for their defense departments were racing to create nuclear weapons of mass destruction that would kill but in large leave infrastructure intact. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_bomb)
United States Testing was authorized and carried out in 1963 at an underground Nevada test facility. It is believed that besides the United States and Soviet Union, France and China tested neutron or enhanced radiation bombs in the past. France apparently led the field with an early “successful” test of the technology in 1967.
Enhanced radiation, as if regular radiation poisoning weren’t enough, had the desired side effect, Radiation poisoning death. But what they didn’t anticipate was that the underground “containment” could not limit the effects to the test area. From 1963 to 1967 governments were releasing hazardous Cancer causing radiation into the environment. Much like the plume of a volcano that will cover the entire atmosphere with a thin layer of ash, these tests produced a layer of radiation that would cover the earth for years. This “enhanced” radiation by its very nature has the potential to impact cancer rates years after release until it dissipated. It is particularly aggressive with sensitive lung tissue, but also can be attributed to increases in Breast, Thyroid and Skin Cancer.
The government had to find a scape goat, something ubiquitous that a large portion of the population had in common. SMOKING! In the 1960’s it is estimated that 70% of the adult population smoked tobacco in some form, cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe. It was assumed that the couple of generations of people directly exposed while the layer of radiation was airborne would be the end of the story so an unholy alliance was created between the Tabacco industry and the government. The government met with the industry leaders of the 1960’s explained what was happening and promised to take care of the industry for the 20 or so years they expected the layer of radiation to last. In typical 1960’s jingoistic anti-communism fashion the industry execs agreed as long as they would get compensated for the lost revenue due to less smokers.
The government’s plan seemed to be working, the layer of radiation dissipated in just over 22 years and the rate of smokers also declined by over 30%. But then the unthinkable happened. Cancer rates didn’t decline as predicted. During that 20+ year period much research on the effects of radiation were conducted and the wrinkle in the plan became apparent. The mutated cells damaged through exposure to radiation are passed from father to son and can continue for a couple of generations.
Our results show that radiation-induced instability can be transmitted for at least two generations
Professor Yuri Dubrova
Now what was the government going to do? They were on the hook with Tobacco industry execs and now the cover story as people stopped smoking and cancer rates didn’t drop was falling apart. Someone had to do something. That someone was the EPA. In 1991 they coined the phrase “Second Hand Smoke”. Now, we can still blame tobacco even though the people getting cancer didn’t smoke.
Don’t expect the cancer rates to drop even if everyone stops smoking. The children of the 1960’s were having babies into the 2000’s so if the trend of having children later in life continues, the 2nd generation will be continue to be born for the net 20+ years. Cancer is very much a disease of aging. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), 60 percent of newly diagnosed malignancies are found in people over the age of 65. That same age group shoulders 70 percent of cancer deaths. Overall, the elderly are 10 times more likely to get cancer, and 15 times more likely to die from cancer than are people under the age of 65. With all this in mind the mistaken release of Enhanced radiation in the 1960’s can continue to impact cancer rates for up to 85 more years.
Truly the sins of the fathers are passed on to their sons and in this instance at least a couple of generations.
Here is a fun one for all the reformed smokers